Thursday, February 21, 2008

Bye Bye....

I am thinking about making this my very last post. Hardly anyone reads my blog anymore, so taking the time to post stuff has really become unfun. I know there are alot of you I only talk to through my blog, so to those of you...goodbye, I will miss you. It could have been fun. So, unless anyone has a great reason for me to keep long and thanks for the fish.


Sarah Jane said...

umm, i do not know that this is a great reason, but I am still here

Jill said...

I read your blog Dawn! Sorry it's not fun for you anymore.

doezie10 said...


This blogging thing should be a possitive outlet for you, if it's not then of course don't do it anymore. But just for the record, I read your blog and I enjoy it!
So keep blogging and just have fun!

Chelsea said...

Come back--come back

Mercy said...

I only check blogs about once a week or so but I read your blog too, so count me as one more reader!