Thursday, July 26, 2007

What is the REAL Story....

I sure hope this statement does not always ring true. It is about time for me to put a real post in here about my real life. I have hit rock bottom girls. What do I do? I have no idea. The weight and toll of my divorce has finally sunk in, and I am so darn scared. How do I pack a house, move, sell a house, find a job, stay with my kids and still come out ahead? I am crying more and more. I try and put on my happy face, and I really need to do some more talking to my Heavenly Father, but I am lost. A few girls have come here to help me and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I will never be able to thank you enough for helping me. I am so grateful to the friends I have who have been able to help me, and thankful for my friends who have just been there to talk to. I have a long long road ahead of me, and I pray I make it through with a fully-mended heart. Lots of love to you all.

Friday, July 20, 2007


I have been tagged, over and over. I get it!! I will post!

4 jobs I've had.....

1. Walgreens

2. Day Care Center

3. Payroll Specialest

4. Time and Labor Consultant

4 Movies I Can Watch Over and Over.....

1. Newsies (Diana, I really have done this lol)

2. Space Jam (Me and Braeden watch it everyday)

3. JFK

4. Any good mystery....I love them!

4 Places I have lived...

1. Schaumburg, Roselle, Aurora, Oswego, Montgomery, Illinois

2. Rexburg, Idaho

3. Cedar City, Utah

4. I think I can say I am done now with all those ones in number one

4 Favorite T.V. Shows

1. Grey's Anatomy

2. Ugly Betty

3. Lost

4. American Idol

4 Favorite Foods

1. Fruit

2. Pizza

3. My Veggie Pizza

4. More Fruit

4 Websites I Visit Daily

1. Blogs




4 Places I'd Rather Be...

1. Colorado

2. Alaska

3. Switzerland

4. Taking a Nap

4 People I am tagging...

1. Sarah

2. Stephanie

3. Mercy (we will get you to blog, just you wait)

4. Dali!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

There Was an Old Woman who Lived.....

So... I found these shoes. Are they cute? I hope they aren't to ugly I love them!! I am not sure what it is, but I had to have them. Tell me the truth, what do you guys think?

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Elvis Has NOT Left the Building

Well Ladies, here I am. And like good concerned friends you are wondering where on earth I have been. Well, I am back. I am blogging again. Let me get you caught up.

Braeden really enjoyed pushing Katie around in this baby stroller. And Katie liked the ride.

This is the garden we planted this year. It now looks like an over grown jungle. Crazy.

This is Braeden and his little friend Ty, pimping it up with the ladies down the street.

I just like this picture. Makes Katie's eyes look sooooo Blue.

Braeden on his new BIG BOY bike!!! YaY Braeden!

Hehe. Guess what.....I broke my toe.

Awwww......what a cute watermelon!

And there you have it. I have a few more pictures to post but this should do it for now. I am alive and I am missing you all terribly. Talk to you all soon I hope!