Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Artsy Amanda, Happy Birthday~!!

Happy Birthday Amanda!! I am sorry this is the only picture I have on my computer of you and I. I want you to know how wonderful I think you are. This girl rocks!! She is a great photographer, she loves to decorate her friends houses (eventhough it must be so much better to get paid for it!). She is by far the most creative person I know. She is not crafty, she is Artsy!!! She is wonderful at picking out colors, even if you have to just trust her, she is almost always right. Did you know your birthday is just 10 days after Katie's? I was kinda hoping to have her on or near or closer to your birthday hehe. I hope your day has been great, if not we have to do some making up for it. Did I mention that she is the mother of 3 beautiful children? Did I also mention that I am rambling?? Anyway, Amanda happy birthday. You are awesome.


Chelsea said...


Amanda said...

Thanks, Dawn..that was sweet. You're so right! I am not CRAFTY...I am artsy. See...you are such a smart girl! If Katie had been born on my birthday her name would be Amanda Marie, or Kathryn Amanda, or better yet Amanda Jeannette...just like me. Hee hee.

Chelsea said...

Dawn---Update already!

Sarah Jane said...

I agree with chelsea.

Freddie Dawn said...

You two must be the only ones who read my blog!!

Chelsea said...

UPDATE ALREADY! My goodness girl! Sit down and type!