Tuesday, October 16, 2007

For Chelsea

Chelsea I promised you I would sit down and type so I am. I have lots and lots of things to catch up on, but since you and Sarah read my blog, and also talk to me in person, I know you can be just a tad more patient! Thank you for looking for me though lol, it feels good to know people are out there. I am having some problems with my comma placement, can Cam help me with that yet? I want to be smarter than you too!! Hehe.


Amanda said...

Thank goodnes,, I thought my birthday was going to last FOREVER!

Freddie Dawn said...

Hehe, that would be wonderful wouldn't it? Now if you could just get the presents to keep coming lol.

Chelsea said...

Hurray - you updated! What a special day this is---I can't wait to check back tomorrow and see if you are on a roll.

Sarah Jane said...

i wondered, but I didn't think you would. Yippeee

Amy said...

wow! you finally updated....keep it up, I miss hearing from you.

Jill said...

You are alive? How is it that we live so close and I haven't seen you in FOREVER?! Stop by sometime!!!